
Master Cleanse Mission complete!

I made it! It's the end of day 3. How people do it for 5, 10 or 40 days, i just have no idea! Today was actually the easiest day yet but it's probably because I know tomorrow I get to ease myself back into solid food. I happily took down my last salt water flush this morning. I feel clean as a whistle. I'm enjoying my last glasses of "lemonade" and will rest happy knowing I survived the last 3 days. It was definitely a challenge and to be honest, i don't know if i'll ever do it again. I'm not sure if I even will think about doing other cleanses where you can actually drink other juices. I guess I will see how I feel the next week as a result of the cleansing. I am tired, weak and grumpy!! Tomorrow I do not get to eat again. I will be easing myself in preparing myself to take in solid food again. I will be drinking a chlorophyll elixir and eating a light raw meal for dinner. how exciting!

Day 3: 6 lbs off

Fancy Ways To Say "I love you, Mom!"

Sending Cards - Snail Mail Style!

Janel and I are big fans of sending greeting cards (even "just because" letters and especially "thank you" ones).  It has been known to be a lost art, but we totally disagree and we'll keep snail mailing till stamps are extinct.  There is something so meaningful and special about it and we're pretty sure the person receiving the card feels the same way too.  It's one thing to send it, but it's another thing when you open that mailbox - an instant smile is put on your face and that feeling of "aw, this just made my crappy day A Happy Day!"  

With Mother's Day just a couple of weeks away, we thought it be nice to share some of our favorite cards from the web.  Plan ahead and get your card soon!  Don't forget to send cards to your besties who are mamas!  Grandmothers and aunt-like moms are obviously ones too.  And remember: Send hand written letters more often!  P.S. don't forget the stamp!


It's Day 2 of the MC

I made it through day 2, hardly. What kind of crazy people do this all the time? I started my day with the lovely salt water flush, followed by my delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner. This time I slightly diluted the juice and tried to drink a lot of water. I felt so tired and weak all day. I'm so out of it. I cannot wait to eat food again!

Total lbs lost: 5 yippee!

New Arrivals // Species By The Thousands

Master Cleanse Day 1

I'm sooooooo hungry. Feed me! Well, the things I read we're right, the salt water flush is the hardest part. It is really hard to chug down 1 quart of salty water. I'm dreading tomorrow morning. I hope the first day is the hardest because it definitely crossed my mind every second to quit so I could eat something but I stayed strong. What the instructions really don't tell you is that the day before you start you're suppose to drink the laxative tea and begin the cleanse with the salt water flush the next day. I'm glad I researched because my cleanse would have been screwed up! My instructions also were to mix the 1 quart of the juice with 3 parts water which makes a gallon of juice. It is really hard to take down a gallon of liquid in a day. I maybe had about 96oz/132oz which I think is fine bc the minimum they tell you to drink it 6-8 glasses. Tomorrow I'm going to try to drink the juice without diluting it with water and take down the 3 quarts of water by itself which my little detox mentor said some people do. We'll see how it goes!

Day 1: 4lbs lost since my weigh in on prep day. yay!

I want to eat!


3 Day Master Cleanse, TFA Style

I thought i'd share with you my journey as I embark on the 3 Day Master Cleanse. My cousin first introduced me to this cleanse over 5 years ago and i've been thinking about trying it ever since. Tomorrow is the day. I just returned from my 12 day trip in Hawaii where I did not hold back on eating all those delicious island treats and now I need to detox and not to mention shed some Hawaii pounds. If anyone knows me well, they know I love to eat and I have a huge sweet tooth. I've heard that cleansing helps curb your cravings for "junks" and I am very curious if the cleanse can really do this for someone like me. I had to plan this out perfectly and people have recommended not working while cleansing so here it goes. I played soccer yesterday which required me eating, so today is prepping, tomorrow is day 1, will start to incorporate food back to system on Saturday and hopefully be ready to play soccer on Sunday.

So, today I am preparing my body for the cleanse by eating raw which actually is the scariest part for me. I liked food that is cooked! This morning I purchased my 3 day cleanse from Super Raw Cane Juice on Sunset. It is great because they have each day prepackaged for you and it's frozen which cuts out the step of having to squeeze and mix the elixir every morning. They also use raw cane sugar instead of the maple syrup. You just mix it with 3/4 gallon of filtered water and voila! Breakfast, lunch and dinner. I went to Trader Joe's to by my raw food for the day which included a bunch of fruit, some kale and almonds for snacking for my prep day. I also bought a gallon of water for my elixer so I can carry my juice around with me for the next 3 days. My options for meals today are making me want to cry.

The Meal Plan:
Breakfast: 50/50 from Raw Cane Super Juice, one apple with raw almond butter
Lunch: Kale, banana, avocado and coconut water smoothie
Dinner: I Am Terrific (Live kelp noodles tossed with our almond thai dressing with red peppers, carrots, kale, cilantro basil and green onions. Topped with teriyaki almonds) from Cafe Gratitude

Snack: Raw Almonds
Dessert: Smooth Move Elimination Tea

Wish me luck! And check back to see how the next 3 days go for this fancy girl!

Always Fancy,


What We Love Everyday: Instagram ♥

Stay FANCY by following us and get the latest info on new arrivals, special promotions, and random photos of cool shit! 


:[Boston]: We're thinking of you. ♥

Boylston Street, exactly one week ago.
A much different site today.  
Love and Light to Boston.

♫ Music Monday ♫

We're really into this song right now!


♫ Music Monday ♫

Because we loved Spring Breakers and still have hope for Britney ♥